Data from the Caidan Order of Precedence – Updated July 2017

Below are some graphs of data collected from Caid’s Order of Precedence, ordered by year, from the founding of the Principality through the end of 2016. This is an update from a previous set of graphs, published in 2012. Below each bar graph is a separate line graph, showing the data in a 5-year rolling average.

Caidan Awards of Arms (not including Order memberships) by year.

Caidan Grants of Arms (not including Order memberships) by year.

Caid AoA-level Orders – The martial Orders (Crescent Sword, Duellist, Argent Arrow, and Chamfron) are stacked as a single column in each year.

Caid GoA-level Orders – The martial Orders (Gauntlet, White Scarf, Argent Blade, Chiron, and Golden Lance) are stacked as a single column in each year.

Bestowed Peerage Orders in Caid

Court Baronies

Augmentations of Arms

L’Honneur de la Chanson

Corde de Guerre

Crossed Swords

Right Noble Guilds and Households

Vanguard of Honor

Royal Recognition of Excellence

Legion of Courtesy

Youth Awards (Acorn, Argent Star, Aurora Caidis, Crescent and Flame, Shining Star, Silver Star)

Award Tracks

The following graphs explore the progression of award recipients through the respective award tracks by focusing on armigerous-level Orders by year, and whether they subsequently received the grant-level or peerage orders in that same track. Please note that individuals who skipped the armigerous orders and went straight to grant-level or peerage orders are not represented in this data, nor are individuals whose armigerous-level Orders came from outside of Caid.

Crescent Swords The red columns represent the number of those Crescent Swords that subsequently received a Gauntlet. The gold columns represent the number of those Crescent Swords that subsequently received knighthood.

Duellists The red columns represent the number of those Duellists that subsequently received a White Scarf or Argent Blade. The gold columns represent the number of those Duellists that subsequently received companionship in the Order of Defense.

Harps Argent The red columns represent the number of those Harps Argent that subsequently received a Lux Caidis. The gold columns represent the number of those Harps Argent that subsequently received companionship in the Order of the Laurel.

Dolphins The red columns represent the number of those Dolphins that subsequently received a Crescent. The gold columns represent the number of those Dolphins that subsequently received companionship in the Order of the Pelican.

Argent Arrows The red columns represent the number of those Argent Arrows that subsequently received a Chiron.

Chamfrons The red columns represent the number of those Chamfrons that subsequently received a Golden Lance.

Average Time to Peerage

Average time in years between a new peers’ first award and their elevation to their respective Order, organized by reign of elevation, and by year of elevation (This data is only for one’s first bestowed peerage, and does not take into account Royal peerages or second/third bestowed peerages).

Same data as above, but including second/third bestowed peerages.

By request, I’ve provided 5-year rolling averages for both of the above graphs, in line format.