Voice of the War Audio

The links below are .mp3 recordings of my announcements and sponsors as “Cormac Mór, the Voice of the War”, short enough for use as a ringtone. These are just some of the bits I’ve done over the years; if you remember a particular sponsorship or announcement that you don’t see here, please let me know and I will do my best to record and post it.

Please note: the jokes made in the files below are made in good humor, and with no harm intended to anyone. If you have a hard time laughing at yourself, please don’t click on these links or use them as your ringtone. It goes without saying that these messages are not endorsed by the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc.

NEW! Internet PSAs: These are recordings suitable for use in Facebook Messenger or similar when someone says something awful and you need them to go away.

  • Kind Cormac
    “I’ve been asked to talk to you because you’re behaving in a manner that’s…problematic. Now, I’m just a recording, so I wouldn’t be able to give you particulars, but i’d be willing to bet that you were talking when you should have been listening, and ignoring or belittling the experiences of the person who sent this to you. Now, if you take a deep breath and look at this objectively, you can probably pick out where you went wrong. However, if you apologize first and ask for clarification, i’m pretty sure you’ll get it. But hey, you might not be there right now, and that’s okay. Take a break. it’s beautiful outside right now, and you’ll find being out in nature much less aggravating than being stuck in an internet argument. I guarantee it.”
  • Snarky Cormac
    “They say that to err is human. And friend, you’re showing your humanity today. Why not take a step back from this conversation, have a stretch, drink a glass of water, and come back to it when you’re ready to apologize? Good man. Good luck next time!”
  • Announcer Cormac
    “Hello, friend! If you’re hearing this, then you’ve crossed a line that you really should have stayed behind, and the person who sent this to you doesn’t want to talk to you anymore. I recommend that you apologize quickly and make yourself scarce, if you don’t want to get blocked and reported to Facebook for harassment. Good luck, friend! I know you’ll make the right call.”

General Announcements

Peerage Orders

Assorted Sponsors