The original article was written in 2011, for the Kingdom of Caid, and had several biases in the text. Obviously, the most prominent of these biases was that of the kingdom itself, describing all considerations of who goes where based on the traditions of Caid. The new article features An Tiri customs, but also goes out of its way to be more cosmopolitan in its discussions of other kingdoms’ practices.
The second bias is that of gendered language. The original article made a lot of assumptions about the genders of the Crown, Coronet, and Baronage, because at the time it was written, all of those positions were required by Corpora and kingdom law to be held by people of opposite genders. This is happily no longer the case, and those references have been written out. Beyond that, though, there was a lot of unnecessary gendering of hypothetical individuals, which have been edited out.
Beyond the updated language, the biggest struggle was to include the precedence order and accurate dates of the Shires of An Tir. It turns out that there was no consistent record available anywhere in An Tir’s records that provided the dates when Shires were made official by Royal proclamation. For this project, I scoured the back catalog of the kingdom newsletter, The Crier, to discover the closest approximations of these dates. I’m proud of my work, but saddened that this information has not been better kept by the Society.
How the Order of Precedence Works